{"id":146804,"date":"2022-08-16T17:12:07","date_gmt":"2022-08-16T15:12:07","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/woocommerce-1021879-4162289.cloudwaysapps.com\/?p=146804"},"modified":"2023-11-20T15:47:38","modified_gmt":"2023-11-20T14:47:38","slug":"20-years-of-xs-carnight","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/woocommerce-1021879-4162289.cloudwaysapps.com\/en\/20-years-of-xs-carnight\/","title":{"rendered":"20 Years of XS Carnight"},"content":{"rendered":"

What an intense time XS Carninght served us in Berlin! It was tremendous to be back at the Olympiastadion and become a part of such an extraordinary venture. We massively appreciated the results of the teamwork and felt really uplifted to see such inspired, legit, and caring people in action. This is the only event of its kind all over Germany. The venue every single time makes the same unreal impression when the essence of the European car scene gathers around the pitch giving one and only opportunity to look at all of it from a different perspective in the environment like no other show can offer. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

XS Carnight w Berlinie zapewni\u0142 nam niesamowite wra\u017cenia! By\u0142o nam niezmiernie mi\u0142o wr\u00f3ci\u0107 na Stadion Olimpijski po latach by by\u0107 cz\u0119\u015bci\u0105 tego wyj\u0105tkowego przedsi\u0119wzi\u0119cia. Doceniamy zaanga\u017cowanie ca\u0142ego zespo\u0142u XS Carnight, kt\u00f3ry podj\u0105\u0142 si\u0119 organizacji wydarzenia na tak trudnym terenie. XS to najwi\u0119ksze wydarzenie w Niemczech, kt\u00f3re gromadzi najciekawsze projekty we wn\u0119trzu pi\u0119knie zmodernizowanego stadionu, daj\u0105c sceneri\u0119 jakiej nie oferuje \u017cadne inne wydarzenie motoryzacyjne.<\/p>\n\n\n\n


Courtesy of XS Carnight organizers, this time we were happy to represent Poland big time – inside the stadium with our Rotiform x Ultrace booth setup and once again pay homage to the World Famous Worthersee petrol station which you may know already from our last show. We made to bring a couple of selected cars of our friends and present them at our area. Once again thanks to the organizer we\u2019ve been allowed to take steal the hottest place in the area, we feel honored for this opportunity.  However, what really made us proud was our pop-up store featuring products of Ultrace x Prosto collection and fresh \u201cFellows & Motorsport\u201d which was having its premiere in Berlin. It is a series of products that refer directly to the theme which accompanied us during Ultrace22. Through those pieces, we pay tribute to the Motorsport heritage and the impact it has had on our community, which in fact along with other pop culture factors made us real.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dzi\u0119ki uprzejmo\u015bci organizator\u00f3w z dum\u0105 reprezentowali\u015bmy Ultrace i Polsk\u0119 w najatrakcyjniejszej przestrzeni – wewn\u0105trz stadionu. W Berlinie odtworzyli\u015bmy stref\u0119 znan\u0105 z Ultrace22, mowa o stoisku Rotiform x Ultrace, nawi\u0105zuj\u0105cym do legendarnej stacji benzynowej Mischulnik z Worthersee. Zebrali\u015bmy kilka wyj\u0105tkowych samochod\u00f3w z Polski i Europy by wype\u0142ni\u0107 ca\u0142\u0105 stref\u0119 najciekawszymi projektami. Czujemy si\u0119 wyr\u00f3\u017cnieni mo\u017cliwo\u015bci\u0105 prezentacji Ultrace w takiej formie, za co bardzo dzi\u0119kujemy. Cieszymy si\u0119, \u017ce mogli\u015bmy w tak wyj\u0105tkowy spos\u00f3b zaprezentowa\u0107 najnowsz\u0105 kolekcj\u0119 \u201eFellows & Motorsport\u201d, kt\u00f3ra mia\u0142a swoj\u0105 premier\u0119 w\u0142a\u015bnie w Berlinie. Mowa o serii basic\u2019owych produkt\u00f3w nawi\u0105zuj\u0105cych bezpo\u015brednio do motywu przewodniego, kt\u00f3ry towarzyszy\u0142 nam podczas Ultrace22. T\u0105 kolekcj\u0105, sk\u0142adamy ho\u0142d dziedzictwu Motorsportu i wp\u0142ywowi jaki wywar\u0142 na nasz\u0105 spo\u0142eczno\u015b\u0107.<\/p>\n\n\n\n


We rather do not look to cover the problems but our coverage would not be objective if we missed out on this problem. It is always better to seek solutions, unfortunately considering the goodwill and best intentions of the organizers, Police still went for the worst of how the situation could be handled. We could see Cars being pulled over and once the officers assumed the vehicle could undergo illegal mods it was seized and towed to the Police\u2019s parking lot.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Berlin Police did it all right in front of the venue, taking about 100 show cars. In our opinion, this kind of raid is a misunderstanding and misconception of the law enforcement role. None of what we\u2019ve seen created any danger or even appeared irresponsible. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Staramy si\u0119 nie rozpisywa\u0107 nad problemami, ale nie byliby\u015bmy obiektywni pomijaj\u0105c fakt wyj\u0105tkowej nieprzychylno\u015bci Policji w kontek\u015bcie tego wydarzenia. Przed stadionem ci\u0119\u017cko by\u0142o nie zauwa\u017cy\u0107, jak du\u017ca ilo\u015b\u0107 samochod\u00f3w by\u0142a zatrzymywana i odholowywana na policyjny parking. W naszym mniemaniu berli\u0144ska policja zrobi\u0142a wszystko co w jej mocy by to wydarzenie nie wr\u00f3ci\u0142o do stolicy Niemiec w przysz\u0142o\u015bci. Mimo szczerych intencji i wsp\u00f3\u0142pracy ze strony organizator\u00f3w skonfiskowano \u0142\u0105cznie oko\u0142o 100 samochod\u00f3w (!). Takie zachowanie niemieckiej policji jest dla nas zupe\u0142nie niezrozumia\u0142ym i staje w kontrze do wieloletniej tradycji budowania i modyfikowania aut w tym kraju.<\/p>\n\n\n\n


Special thanks to J\u0119drek Soli\u0144ski @jedreksolinski2.0 and Kamil Ko\u017alarek @kozlarek_ for their tremendous work on the beautiful photos they provided us. Big shout out to everyone who made that way with us to make something so dope. It was great to see y\u2019all, hope you had as good time as we did with you!<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Bardzo dzi\u0119kujemy J\u0119drkowi Soli\u0144skiemu @jedreksolinski2.0 oraz Kamilowi Ko\u017alarkowi @kozlarek_ za ich przepi\u0119kne zdj\u0119cia. Chcieliby\u015bmy r\u00f3wnie\u017c podzi\u0119kowa\u0107 wszystkim, kt\u00f3rzy nam towarzyszyli w tej przygodzie i sp\u0119dzili z nami ten niezapomniany czas. Super by\u0142o was zobaczy\u0107, mamy nadziej\u0119, \u017ce bawili\u015bcie si\u0119 z nami tak dobrze jak my z wami!<\/p>\n\n\n\n



